The World Book Bonus Science Reference


Flashlight is a portable electric light in a metal, fiber, or plastic case. A typical flashlight consists of a light source, power source, case, and on-off switch. The light source is a lamp (light bulb). A reflector and a lens help to focus the light into a beam. Most flashlight lamps are incandescent, but small fluorescent lamps are sometimes used (see Electric Light). Dry-cell batteries provide the power for most flashlights. The first dry-cell flashlight was made about 1898 in New York City. See also Battery.

A flashlight shines as electric current is carried from the batteries to the light bulb by means of a metal strip.

From The World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia ©1998 World Book, Inc., 525 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60661. All rights reserved.

World Book diagram by Arthur Grebetz.

Contributor: William Hand Allen, M.S., Former Electrical Engineer, Rockwell International.


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